Sunday, December 7, 2008

Wyoming Sunset December 3, 2008

It is amazing how fast a year goes. When I was small it seemed like forever before Christmas came. Now Christmas is almost here again and seems like we just had it 3 months ago. I am trying to get all my sewing done but not so sure that I will. I have so much material and not so much money so I am trying to make everything that I can for Christmas.

We had our ward Christmas party on the 3rd. It was pretty good. Just before I left to go up and help set up I looked out the window at the sunset and was amased so I ran to get my camera. This is the result.
This first one was taken out my back door (please excuse the power lines)
Then I went out the front door to get the second one. I was amased at the orange column from the trees up to the sky. Heavenly Father is an excellent artist!

I love taking pictures. Some day I want to be a photographer (maybe when I grow up)


  1. Oh, how I miss Wyoming sunsets!!! Just gorgeous. . . Too many trees out here to even see the sky. Thanks for capturing my beloved home so beautifully. Happy Happy Holidays. Homemade gifts are the best anyways. They always mean the most.

  2. Mommy those are so beautiful!!!! i have the pink and blue one set to my desk top background here at work! you are already a wonderful photographer! You still have lots of years to go before you grow up.... i am sure you will be a wonderful photographer! love you so much mom!

  3. How beautiful! It makes me miss Wyoming too. Those pictures gave me goosebumps Wendy. Merry Christmas, I hope everything is well.
