Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Kids grow up too fast!!

Kids grow up too fast!!
Josh turned 14 years old! Can you believe it. Where does the time go.

He opened present that morning.

We had a birthday party for him that night. It was lots of fun. Then on Sunday he was ordained a Teacher.
We are so proud of him and the way he honors his Priesthood. He has such a special spirit about him and we love him so much.


  1. What a handsome young man he is turning into. Man, I can't believe that he is a teacher. WOW. Thanks for sharing some pictures of our family. I love seeing them, since I don't get out there very much.

  2. Josh is beginning to be very handsome. A lot of his mannerisms in this picture are just like a Taylor!! Thanks for the pictures of everyone. Wish we could have been there too!

  3. awww.... fun, it was a wonderful birthday party! I cant believe he is getting so old!:)

  4. Oh By the way, Joshers needs a Haircut! :) That means I need to come over sometime soon and schear him down! :) Sound good?

  5. It makes one feel alittle closer when we can see pictures of family festivities that we miss. Thank you, and I agree with my children that Josh is a very handsome guy. Wow, a teacher! Where has the time gone? Do you remember when Josh called me Honey?
