Wednesday, June 23, 2010

New Grandson Hooray

Finally, Kyle Thomas was born on June 22, 2010 7 lbs 6.7oz, 19 1/2 inches long.

We came down to Laramie Monday night and stayed in a nice hotel. Ashley had to be in the hospital at 7:30 am. The started her at 8am and then about noon they broke her water. She was really tough because she didn't have any pain medication at all. Kyle was born at 2:40PM I am just sure he is the cutest baby ever. (Some may say I am a bit prejudiced, but I don't think so.) He has the cutest most heart warming cry ever. Most of the rest of the day he just looked around with a big wide stare. Wow what a feeling to hold your Grandchild and realize the blessings that our Father in Heaven has sent to us.

We stayed another night in Laramie and will go home probably this afternoon.


  1. Oh, Congratulations, Grandma!! How fun. He is just beautiful. You're entering a new stage, and you guys will be great at it. What a great delivery for a first baby! Not long at all!

  2. Isn't being a Grandma and Grandpa wonderful! He is beautiful! I am so happy for Ashley and Tom, that their ordeal is finally over. The little ones are worth all the trouble they cause, aren't they? Congratulations!
