Monday, January 26, 2009

Hi everyone. I am so bad about posting on here but I do read your posts regularly.
We have been staying pretty busy but nothing huge and monumental going on. Everyone is doing fine. (as far as I can tell)
Friday the 23rd I was asked to sub in the middle school. The 7th and 8th graders were going skiing at Beaver Mountain. The teacher that I was to sub for was supposed to go with them but couldn't go so asked me to go instead because Josh was going and she thought I'd like to go spend the day with him. I said yes but if you know me very well you know that noisy busses make me crazy!! So I wasn't sure I'd do reallly well, but I went and had a wonderful day. I had lodge duty, helping anyone who came in and needed something.

I sat in the lodge in a nice comfy chair in front of a fireplace, with a beautiful view of the mountain with the skiers flying by all day, crocheting to keep me busy. I didn't get to visit a whole lot with Josh because he rode on the boy bus and I on the girl bus, and he skied all day and had a wonderful time.

The lodge was beautiful and when Josh came in for lunch we were visiting while eating and he said "Wouldn't you love to have a lodge like this?" I quickly relpied Yes! We both had a great day and I thought that was a wonderful way to spend a day getting paid to sub.

We have been helping Ashley & Tom pack because they are moving this week to Rawlins Wyoming! Tom finished his first associates degree in December and has 1 more class to do and will have his second associates degree, both having to do with Electronics and Instramentation. He applied for 5 or 6 jobs around the area in this field and finally got this job with Williams Gas Plant. They found out he got the job and we got the names of the Bishops from the internet and Ashley called to see if they knew of any places to rent. The Bishop was amazed because just two days before a lady had called him and asked if he knew of anyone needing a place to rent.

They will be living in a 3 bedroom 2 bath townhouse with a one car garage and very small yard. They are very excited about it.

Front of Townhouse
Back of townhouse. Part of the fence blew down. They have good size deck coming off the dining room. The kitchen, livingroom, 2 bedrooms are upstairs. Garage, bedroom, laundryroom, familyroom downstairs.


Part of livingroom, going into kitchen.
Master Bath.
I can't remember what their address will be but I will let you know.
Well I had better go I've got to get Josh off to school.
Love Ya All


  1. Wow! It's great that he found a job, but I'm sure you will all miss having them closer to you. That Townhouse looks great! I'm sure this is just one of the many moves they will make while married. I am starting to lose count on how many times Jake and I have packed up and moved. I'm sure Ashley was glad you were there to help. I'm glad they are doing so well, and you guys too. Thanks for the update!

  2. hey mommy... i agree with you they do have quite a nice townhouse :)I am so happy for them, hopefully they love rawlins. Sound like you had fun on the trip with joshers also. :) i love you !

  3. Thanks for the post. It is so good to hear about what is going on with you and yours. The 3 hours to Rawlins will get closer the more you make the drive. I can get in my car and travel 600 miles and think that it is not too bad because my children are at the end of the road. We love you guys.
