Monday, April 7, 2008

I guess I am not very good at keeping up on the posting thing!! We have been staying really busy. Update on John's eye is that it is about the same as it was before. Vision is still about 20/200 and the surface is not completely healed. They estimate it will be another 4-6 weeks before he can go back to work. (Once the surface is healed.) They probably won't do any surgery for 6 months to a year because they want his eye to rest before they give it any more trauma.

Ashley is busy making wedding plans. Josh is in track for the first time and his first meet was Saturday. He came in last in all his races (100m, 200m, 400m) but he is still a winner because he tried and did his best and finished the race. He did good.

John is still going crazy(and me to). I am just busy running around for Relief Society, Scouts, work, home, etc........

Well I think I'll just post a few pictures.

Two of these were at Ashley's birthday party and the one of fritz, I got up one morning to le

t them out and I guess he got tired of sleeping in his bed and thought this was a better place to be.